Dear Valued Clients, We are thrilled to announce that our office is relocating to a larger, more accommodating space in Grand Junction, CO. This move is a significant milestone...
Classifying Your Employees Correctly Employee classifications are based on job duties and responsibilities. The classifications impact compensation, benefits and work hours; they are also used by employers to maintain...
What Is an S Corporation, and How Does It Work? Have you been thinking about establishing an S corporation? Maybe you have the opportunity to become a shareholder of...
529 Plans: Know the Basics There are two kinds of 529 plans: prepaid tuition plans and savings plans. Prepaid tuition plans (available in only nine states) allow you to...
Is Your Side Hustle a Hobby or a Business? With the rise of the gig economy, a lot of people have opted to turn their hobbies into profitable ventures....
Tax Tips for Parents When starting a family, you might be interested to know that you’re now eligible to claim new credits and deductions, which ultimately lessens the total...