Deciding When To Take Social Security As you approach retirement age, you may wonder when you should elect to receive Social Security. How much you receive is based both on your lifetime earnings and when you start receiving payments....
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Withdrawing Emergency Funds From Your Retirement Account It is still generally a poor idea to tap into your retirement funds except in extreme circumstances. For that reason, the IRS has made it arduous to take funds out early. This...
Required Minimum Distributions: What’s The Story? Once you reach a certain age, you must take an annual required minimum distribution, which is a payout from your traditional IRA, 401(k) or other retirement account. The required amount is calculated based...
The SECURE — Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement — Act was passed in 2019. After that, SECURE Act 2.0 was passed in December 2022 and went into effect Jan. 1, 2023. The secondary SECURE Act establishes new...